Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Blog Self-Interview

What is the purpose of this blog?

The purpose of this blog is to bring Disney Technology out in the open and explain to people all of the technology changes that have happened over the years. Also, this blog has a hidden purpose as I want to work for Disney one day so I need to understand the technology and why not do it in a fun way for a lot of people?

Who is the imagined audience(s) of this blog?

The imagined audience is anyone but mainly the geeks that want to know how stuff works. Also, it is intended for the people that have questions behind the technologies of Disney and their implications.

Have my posts matched up with my purpose/audience? What/who might I be overlooking in defining my purpose/audience this way?

I feel like I framed my last post to what I have already wrote about as to what audience I am seeking. But I think I have overlooked the newer generation of kids as most of my posts have been focused on my childhood which could be considered to be 10 years ago.

What can I do to encourage more reader participation with my blog?

I can do this by asking questions and making my blog fun to read with pictures and videos but also keeping the content engaging by not "dumbing" down all of the information.

How can I expand my audience in this class? Outside of this class?

I can do this by letting people know that I have a blog, but most importantly I can read other people's blogs on Disney. In doing this I can comment and start a communication with them about certain topics.

How would I characterize the tone of my blog?

I would characterize my tone as colloquial, being very informal and trying to keep my posts more as a conversation rather than stating things (we will see how long this lasts).

What do I hope to get out of writing this blog?

I hope to learn a lot about Disney technology and also be able to explain that technology in a way that others can understand it and become interested in it like I am.

What would I like others to get out of it?

As I said I would like them to learn to love Disney and Science just like I do. Woohoo!!

What are the strengths of my blog/my blogging?

The strengths of my blogging are to making it fun to read and picking topics that a lot of people can come into contact with.

What are the weaknesses?

My blogging needs to get better with not shortening my ideas and being able to write what is in my head on paper. Also I am not very computer savvy so I need to work on the lay of the land of how to run a blog.

Have I used a deficit model in my writing, or something else? How would I know?

I would like to think I have not just used the deficit model in my writing more of a discussion, and I would say this because I do have comments on my far and this means that I am hopefully not just dumping information of some poor lay people.

How have I characterized (implicitly or explicitly) science, engineering, and/or technology in my blog?

I have explicitly stated that my blog is about science, engineering and technology because of the title "designing" and the way I believe I have focused my posts thus far.

How have I characterized myself?

I think I have characterized myself as a familiar friend, writing all of my posts in the first person.

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