Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Pluto vs Goofy vs Planet?

First off, there has been some debate throughout the years as to why Goofy can walk and talk and poor Pluto can't.  Well turns out there is one little explanation to this question.  Pluto was actually a minor character and created in 1930 while Goofy didn't show up until 1930 and was a main character.  So it looks like poor Pluto lost out and it the dog while Goofy is the man.

Now, on a little bit more serious note, why was Pluto lost of being the name of a planet?  It turns out that a planet is by definition  is a celestial body orbiting a star or stellar remnant that is massive enough to be rounded by its own gravity, is not massive enough to cause thermonuclear fusion, and has cleared its neighbouring region of planetesimals.  Yes, that is a mouthful.  Anyways, there turned out to be another rock mass out past the orbit of Pluto's that was bigger than Pluto.  This planet is known by 2003 UB313.  The basic concept was that if you consider Pluto a planet then so is this 2003 UB313. 

With the use of new research and observatories, Pluto was found to actually be a part of the Kuiper Belt and not actually a planet in our solar system.  The rules for what a planet is changed from this discovery and they follow three main concepts shown below.

■It needs to be in orbit around the Sun – Yes, so maybe Pluto is a planet.

■It needs to have enough gravity to pull itself into a spherical shape – Pluto…check

■It needs to have “cleared the neighborhood” of its orbit – Uh oh. Here’s the rule breaker
From this it can be seen that Pluto is no longer a planet because of the nearby neighbors it has is the Kuiper Belt.  This is one thing that I had a hard time getting over, I mean how is My(Mercury) Very(Venus) Excellent(Earth) Mother(Mars) Just(Jupiter) Served(Saturn) Us(Uranus) Nine(Neptune) Pizzas(Pluto), going to help kids remember the planets with out Pizza/Pluto on the end?  I guess this will be a test of the younger generation.

**I do know that Pluto was not named after the Disney Character, it just made things a little more interesting.  It was actually named after a Roman God of the Underworld.

1 comment:

  1. I'm really sad that no one has commented on this yet... I really liked it. Random yes. But I actually never knew why they took Pluto out, I just knew that it happened. And I really like the tombstone picture. I think a lot of people felt a little piece of their heart got broken when Pluto got taken away.
