Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Evaluation #1

So for my communicating science class, I have to evaluate my blog so the content in this post is not really relevant to any Disney Reader.

Blog Requirements

1-Imagineering: What is it?—Intro Blog (2 comments and one response from me)

2-Disney Fingerprint technology—First Blog post (6 comments with 2 responses from me to most posts)

3-Blog Self-Interview—In class assignment

4-Disney Bags Harmful to Children—Framing blog (2 comments)

5-Talking about Science –Focused on ideas from reading in class

6-Roller Coasters: How do they work?— Blog post (2 comments, 1 response by me)

7-Random Post—Why is there ice on the inside of my windows? (2 comments)


I have commented on about 6+ other blogs and have kept up with responding to blog posts on my wall.

Following Blogs

I haven’t directly followed any blogs completely, I just look on commforge and try and find articles that look interesting but hopefully I will start following more blogs completely but right now I am keeping my options open.

A few blogs that I find very interesting are…

Scan me in
Path to the subconscious mind
It’s not just fun and games

Throughout my blogs I have tried to use different forms of multimedia focusing on pictures and hyperlinks and thus far using one video. Also, I have added a slideshow with pictures and plan to keep adding more photos to make it an asset to the blog. I have tried to engage readers by asking questions in my blog and commenting on others.

I hope this is a good enough evaluation of my blog.  Thanks for reading!

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